Post cover illustration Development

Keeping global state management sane

Dealing with global states in a React app is always hard. In this post, we figure out a better approach and present our new library, rel-events

Luciano Ratamero a 01 Oct 2019

5 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Decoupling logic from react components

Every React dev has their way to solve a common issue: managing business logic. Here, we discuss different ways and suggest a new one with react-redux-api-tools

Luciano Ratamero a 23 Jul 2019

5 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Who is afraid of Django admin?

An opinion on how django admin relates to your application and how the problems commonly attributed to admin can be caused by the code created.

Bernardo Fontes a 11 Apr 2019

4 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Functional Components with Recompose

This article will show a different way to create React components. We’ll discuss responsibilities, HOCs, functional components and Recompose.

Thulio Philipe a 19 Mar 2019

4 min read

Post cover illustration Development

Configuring Django with React

In this step-by-step guide to create a Django project serving a React app you will learn the role of each element in a configuration orchestrated by Webpack.

Mariana Bedran Lesche a 29 Apr 2018

12 min read